✨Magic. It’s a word that evokes wonder, curiosity, and a sense of the extraordinary. When I use the word "magic" in relation to coaching, it’s not just a catchy phrase or an attempt to make the process sound mystical. It’s about capturing the essence of what happens when two or more human beings come together in a space of trust, exploration, and transformation.
Coaching, at its best, feels magical—not because it’s supernatural, but because its effects often defy logical explanation. Today, I want to share why I use this word so intentionally and why it’s such a perfect metaphor for the coaching experience.
The First Element: "I Am Magic"
The foundation of what I call "Coaching Magic" begins with a simple yet profound truth: I am magic. And so are you. This is the first element of Coaching Magic because it reminds us to honor the inherent miracle of simply being human.
Think about it—right now, you’re breathing, your heart is beating, and your mind is processing these words. Isn’t that freaking incredible?
As coaches, we have the privilege of sitting with another human being, listening deeply to their stories, exploring their thoughts and feelings, and weaving our energies together to help them create something meaningful in their lives. That process—of connection, presence, and co-creation—is nothing short of magical!

What Makes Coaching Feel Like Magic?
To understand why coaching feels like magic, let’s turn to some wisdom from thought leaders in the coaching world. Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin—both giants in the field—once shared an insight that has stayed with me for years. Rich said:
“Coaching isn’t magic, but it appears magical in its effects.”
Why does it appear magical? Because when we’re in a coaching conversation, we often can’t see or name all the steps that lead to transformation. One moment, a client feels stuck or uncertain; the next moment, something shifts within them. They gain clarity, confidence, or a new perspective—and their life begins to change. We can’t always pinpoint exactly what happened or how it happened. But we can feel it. And because we can’t fully describe or measure it, we call it magic—because that’s fun!
Arthur C. Clarke famously said:
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
In coaching, that “advanced technology” is us—our minds, our bodies, our intuition. Humans are remarkable beings with incredible capacities for growth and change. When we tap into those capacities through coaching conversations, the results can feel as awe-inspiring as any piece of cutting-edge technology.
The Role of Intuition in Magic
One of the most magical aspects of coaching is intuition. Intuition often feels like knowing without knowing how you know—a kind of inner wisdom that guides us toward truth. In coaching circles, we sometimes describe intuition as:
“Pattern recognition that takes place outside conscious awareness.”
As coaches, when we’re deeply present with our clients—when we’re “in tune” with them—we begin to notice patterns in their words, emotions, and energy. These patterns might not be immediately obvious to them (or even to us), but when we bring them into awareness through thoughtful questions or reflections, something profound happens.
Carl Jung beautifully captured this idea when he said:
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will guide your life and you will call it fate.”
Coaching is about making the unconscious conscious—helping clients see what they couldn’t see before so they can make intentional choices rather than being pushed and pulled by circumstances. That process of discovery often feels like uncovering hidden treasure: surprising yet deeply resonant.
It’s Magic to Them but Normal to Us
One coach in my very first Coaching Magic Circle shared an insight that has stayed with me ever since. She said:
“It’s magic to them but normal to us.”
What she meant was this: as coaches, we might take for granted the skills and presence we bring to our work because they’ve become second nature to us. But for our clients—who may have never experienced this kind of deep listening or intentional space before—it feels like magic.
This coach’s realization was a beautiful reminder that what seems ordinary to us can be extraordinary to someone else. It also highlights an important truth about coaching: while we may be skilled practitioners, the real magic comes from our clients’ willingness to show up fully and engage in their own transformation.
Unfolding Into Your Own Magic
Here’s another way to think about magic: it’s not about striving or forcing; it’s about unfolding into your own natural brilliance. When we’re in tune with ourselves—when we trust our intuition and embrace our unique gifts—we create a space where transformation flows effortlessly.
Athletes talk about being “in the zone,” musicians describe losing themselves in their art—and as coaches, we can experience something similar when we’re fully present with our clients. In these moments, there’s no striving or stress—just a sense of ease and flow that invites both coach and client into deeper connection.
An Invitation: Discovering Your Own Magic
If you’re reading this and feeling curious about your own magic—about what makes you uniquely powerful as a coach or as a human being—right now, I'm sending you an invitation.
Find a quiet space that feels beautiful and nourishing—a place where you can reflect without distractions. Then ask yourself this question: How am I magic?
Sit with this question for as long as you need. Let your mind wander; let your heart speak; let your intuition guide you. You might be surprised by what emerges.
If you feel inspired to share your reflections—whether through words, art, or simply by speaking them out loud—I’d love to witness your unfolding. There’s something profoundly moving about seeing another person step into their own magic.
The Power of Believing in Magic
To close, I want to leave you with one final thought: believing in magic doesn’t mean abandoning logic or reason—it means embracing wonder and possibility alongside them. It means recognizing that there’s more to life (and coaching) than what meets the eye—and being open to the extraordinary moments that happen when we least expect them.
So whether you’re a coach looking to deepen your practice or simply someone curious about personal growth, I invite you to explore this idea of magic—not as something external or mysterious but as something already within you.
Because here’s the truth: You are magic. And when you embrace that truth fully? That’s when transformation begins.