Jill was recently invited to attend a speaker’s workshop with Floyd Wickman. Floyd is a motivator, an author of seven books, a teacher and an inducted member of the National Speakers’ Association Hall of Fame. Floyd’s son, Gino Wickman, wrote Traction, the book that describes the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), as well as co-authoring Rocket Fuel and Get a Grip. Also pictured below is Mike Pallin, a Master Trainer and President of the Floyd Wickman Team.
From Left to Right: Gino Wickman, Jill Young, Floyd Wickman, Mike Pallin
A select group of Certified EOS Implementers were invited to partake in the speaker’s workshop so that they could best deliver the content of EOS to more business groups. They were taught to Entertain, Educate and Enlighten, three things that should always happen from the stage. Jill learned and executed this formula for a recent, successful keynote speech.
On a personal level, Jill was excited to see the interaction between Gino and Floyd because she was also molded and refined in the heart of family business.